Cookies in Aweb

What information is stored by the Aweb?

The cookies of Aweb within the categories necessary, performance and usability.

The information stored concerning the services of Aweb and used exclusively for them.

  • There are other cookies created by my visit to Aweb?

    In Aweb use of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other to record statistics and to serve ads, which create the corresponding cookies.

    The cookies are governed by the privacy policy of Google’s personal data (

  • What are Cookies?

    The cookies are small files sent and stored in the application that you use to navigate the Internet. Each site typically uses one or more cookies they store information it deems necessary for the best operation.

    This information is of four main categories:

    • Performance Cookies: Performance cookies associated with gathering information about the user’s behavior when browsing the site and store anonymous information about statistics etc. Their purpose is to collect information that improve the functioning of the website Aweb.
    • Necessary Cookies: The lack of these cookies affects the functioning of heavily website. Without these cookies, you functions such as the login to a website, electronic markets or online payments are not possible.
    • Cookies advertising: Used to select and display ads tailored to the interests of the user.
    • Usability CookiesThese cookies store user data which will facilitate the next visit of the user on the website. The data can be anonymized and is not available when navigating the user to other websites.
  • In Aweb we use cookies to provide better service and improved experience for our users. The introduction of regulations and legislative framework for the use of cookies is an effort underway. The configuration of these rules is something very new in both Greek and European level. For these reasons we feel the obligation to inform with clarity and honesty users Aweb for our policy on cookies.

  • How the cookies are activated and how do I check?

    The more internet browsers are built in such a way as to automatically accept cookies. If you do not want the automatic activation you can use the browser settings you use to control and manage the cookies are created.

    However, without cookies you will not be able to sign in or register as a member, and to use certain services such as SSL Buy, Buy Hosting, SSL Buy ratings, Buy domain, was written in Aweb etc.

  • Can I delete the cookies of Aweb?

    All users can at any time to delete all cookies stored on broswer. All web browsers give this possibility to the user through the Settings.

  • My personal information is safe when I use Aweb?

    Yes. In Aweb we give special attention to our users’ personal information and not share it with companies, organizations or individuals.

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